The Clear the Air Challenge was a month long competition that gave Utahns the chance to reduce their vehicle emissions by choosing alternative methods of transportation using TravelWise strategies. By driving less and driving smarter, participants ultimately helped improve air quality, reduce traffic congestion and conserve energy in Utah.
Poor air quality becomes a particular concern during summer months when chemical emissions react with sunlight and heat. When chemicals bake in the sunlight this creates what we call “summer ozone,” which contaminates the quality of the air we breathe. Summer ozone is not visible, like inversion is in the winter, making it potentially more dangerous if citizens are not aware of its impact. So, by simply reducing vehicle trips, we can protect our health, our environment and our quality of life.
If all drivers living along the Wasatch Front were to park their cars just one day per week, vehicle emissions would be reduced by 6,500 tons per year.
-Utah Division of Air Quality
The Challenge Goals
Trips Eliminated
Miles Saved
Tons of CO2 Reduced
Why This is Important
Across the state, air pollution is reaching alarmingly unhealthy levels. Prolonged winter inversions can lead to high pollutant levels that create significant health and air quality concerns. Transportation emissions are responsible for nearly 50% of the pollutants that make up our poor air quality. This means that the vehicle emissions we are producing are hazardous to our health and the health of our children
Finding a solution to the air pollution issue has become a top priority for many business, government and community leaders. These leaders recognize the negative effects poor air quality can have on the health of Utahns, the local economy and the overall quality of life in Utah.